Checklist for customer acquisition

Every company needs customers in order to be successful. The following checklist clarifies the key questions of effective customer acquisition.


Have you defined your customer base, i.e. do you know who your customers are, where they are located and how you can reach them?

Is the customer to be regularly shown appreciation, e.g. for their trust, for their time and for recommending your company?

Has a time frame been established for customer follow-ups?

Has it been defined which social media channels are to be used for customer acquisition?

Are you using your business contacts to acquire new customers?

B2B: Are the customer's contact persons and decision makers known?

Is there system in place to monitor customer acquisition success?

Have the quantitative customer acquisition targets been defined (e.g. 20 customer acquisition telephone calls per day)?

Are all employees aware of how and where customer communications are to be documented?

Has a system been set up to document customer communications?

Is a defined and structured customer acquisition plan being implemented?

Is there a groundwork strategy in place for customer acquisitions?

Has customer acquisition been made a fixed integral component of day-to-day business?