Insurance Change: What You Need to Know

Gute Beratung beim Versicherungswechsel. Good advice when changing insurance. De bons conseils pour changer d'assurance. Buoni consigli per cambiare assicurazione.

Insurance Change: What You Need to Know Change is inevitable. Sometimes you make decisions and change your mind later. Sometimes you make a choice that no longer suits you. This also applies to your business. Have you chosen an insurance company that you would like to change now? Find out here how to proceed when […]

Workation – Make It Possible!

Atlanto und ERV machen die Workation möglich! Le télétravail à l'étranger, c'est possible avec Atlanto et ERV.

Workation – Make It Possible! Working on the beach or in a chalet next to the ski resort? Many people dream of this, but so far it has only been possible for few. Find out in this article how you as an SME can fulfill the legal requirements for a”workation” and thus the wishes of […]

Do You Need Liability Insurance, Or Are Your T&Cs Enough?

Liability Insurance Haftpflichtversicherung assicurazione di responsabilità civile assurance responsabilité civile

Even if you have fully comprehensive T&Cs, that doesn’t protect you as a founder from every risk. In fact, there are some kinds of liability that, by law, simply cannot be excluded. Product liability, for example if a faulty product causes damage, is a case in point. This liability applies whether or not any blame […]

What Types Of Insurance Are Important For The Self-Employed?

insurance self-employed Versicherung für Selbständige assicurazioni indipendenti assurance indépendants

What Types Of Insurance Are Important For The Self-Employed? The leap into entrepreneurship takes a lot of courage. Suddenly you are solely responsible for your own payments, accidents and compensation claims. If the owner is disabled or business operations interrupted, it can have devastating consequences or even threaten the business’ survival. Unfortunately, many small and […]

Risks In The Value Chain

Risks In The Value Chain Risiken in der Wertschöpfungskette Rischi collegati alla catena del valore Risques au sein de la chaîne de création de valeur

Adressing risks If a single step in the production chain fails, it can quickly prove expensive. If the supplier is unable to deliver products, this will result in a partial or even complete production standstill as well as on lost earnings. The important thing is to analyse all critical processes – including those within your […]

Properly Insured When In Home Office

Home Office Insurance Home Office Versicherung smart working assicurazione télétravail assurance

Digitalization makes a lot of new things possible and working in home office is a major aspect of this. Supporters and sceptics agree that employees working from home require a lot of self-discipline and a sense of responsibility. The set-up also presupposes trust on the employer’s part. If these conditions are met, clear rules are […]