How To Set Up A General Partnership

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How To Set Up A General Partnership

A general partnership exists in law once the partnership agreement has been concluded and the company has been entered into the commercial register. Individuals can come together to form a general partnership, with no minimum capital contribution, instead of each setting up a sole proprietorship. The key points are summarised below.


The general partnership is particularly suited to multiple founders who establish a small business together, enabling them to operate together without contributing the capital needed for a limited liability company (LLC) or public limited company (PLC). Once a business is up and running successfully, it is often converted into or used to found a LLC or public limited company PLC.


With a GP, the partners are personally liable with their own assets for business risks, as it is not a legal entity.


A general partnership can be converted at any time into a LLC or PLC by transferring assets or making a contribution in kind.

Commercial register

It is mandatory to enter a GP in the commercial register, regardless of its annual turnover.


A GP can be founded easily by multiple people with no minimum capital contribution; thanks to the low set-up costs, it is suitable for the initial stage working together.

Additional advantages:

  • Easy organisation and low outlay
  • Any company name can be chosen, to be followed by the letters “GP”


The partners in the GP are liable with their personal and business assets.

Additional disadvantages:

  • Mutual dependency on the part of the partners
  • Unlimited joint and several liability
  • Less flexibility among the partners (e.g. non-compete clause)