Better Content Strategy in 5 Steps

Content Strategy Content Strategie strategia dei contenuti stratégie de contenu

One characteristic of the digital age is arguably the constant online presence. The whole country has internet access at the touch of a button. This not only presents new challenges, but also opens the door to new marketing measures. In this case too, however, a certain know-how – and a good content strategy – is […]

All About Google: Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Search engine optimisation Suchmaschinenoptimierung Ottimizzazione per i motori di ricerca Optimisation de moteurs de recherche

Search engines generate a so-called index based on a website’s content. Only content that is legible for the search engine can be included in this index. This means that only text content is filtered out of the programme code. Images, graphics, animations, and the other multimedia content are not legible and are therefore not included […]

All About Google: Search Engine Advertising (SEA)

Search Engine Advertising suchmaschinenwerbung pubblicità sui motori di ricerca SEA

Search Engine Advertising (SEA), as the name suggests, is about placing paid advertisements in search engines. Please note that it is not to be confused with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) . The goal of SEA is to use keywords place an advertisement at the top of search engine results. However, many users deliberately avoid paid ads and look for organic […]

Website: A Successful Online Presence

website site internet sito web

As a company founder, your hands are doubtless full (and your mind, too!). Your day-to-day work as an entrepreneur keeps you busy yourself with planning, finances, infrastructure, official bodies and admin, often leaving little time to design your website. However, a website must always be up-to-date and must grow with the company. Where Should You […]

Social Media Marketing

social media marketing médias sociaux

It is impossible to imagine marketing today without social media. These are platforms that enable users to exchange information and network widely through digital channels. WhatsApp, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn and Twitter are some of the most popular social media in Switzerland and therefore the most important platforms for social media marketing. Social media […]