Checklist AG

Founding a public limited company or stock corporation raises several questions. The following checklist will help you answer the most important questions.


Have you weighed up the pros and cons of an AG?

Have you put your business idea into writing and, ideally, drawn up a business plan?

Have you spoken with potential co-founders and investors to plan the distribution of shares?

Do you have capital of CHF 100,000.00 in a bank or in the form of a contribution in kind that you can use during the founding?

Have you sought out tax advice? Important: Although AG companies are taxed separately; they can have certain implications on your personal taxes.

Have you found a founding platform or a notary to create the AG? You can easily found your company online at

Hast du eine Gründungsplattform oder Notar*in gefunden, um die Gründung durchzuführen? Über kannst du einfach und online deine Firma gründen.