How To Set Up A Business In Switzerland

set up a business Gründungsprozess Costituzione création d’entreprise

How To Set Up A Business In Switzerland

Do you have an idea and a plan and are ready to set up a business? We will show you the steps you have to take before, while and after setting up the company.

Before Setting Up A Company

Choice Of Legal Form

Find out about the various legal forms in Switzerland. Weigh up the pros and cons. Legal, fiscal and operational factors play a role, as do financial resources, marketing aspects, family dynamics and geographic specifics. Depending on the legal form chosen, different documents and procedures are required to set up a company in Switzerland.

Sole proprietorship or general partnership

  • Commercial register application
  • Certification of signatures
  • Opening the business account

GmbH (limited liability company) or AG (public limited company)

  • Articles of incorporation
  • Deed of foundation
  • Powers to establish a company
  • Lex Friedrich declaration
  • Stampa declaration
  • SME declaration (waiver of auditors)
  • Commercial register application
  • Certification of signatures
  • Opening of a capital payment and business account

During The Set-Up Period

Creation Of Documents

The necessary documents are created depending on the legal form chosen (articles of incorporation, deed of foundation, commercial register application, certification of signatures,etc.).

Capital Payment

When setting up a GmbH or AG, a capital payment account needs to be opened. The company capital is paid into a Swiss bank. Confirmation of such payment is required to be able to set up the company.

Public Notarization

The founding documents are then publicly notarized (GmbH and AG only).

Entry in the commercial register

The founding documents are sent to the relevant commercial register office for entry. Bear in mind the standard length of time required for entry by the commercial register office, fast-track proceedings, as well the longer time required during summer months and at Christmas/New Year.

Further Applications

Depending on the legal form, further applications will be need to be filed, e.g. with the social insurance and value added tax offices.

After Setting Up The Company

Good To Go

Once the company has been set up, you are good to go. The right tools and the necessary entrepreneurial know-how are critical for lasting success.

Various providers offer support to Swiss business people during the different phases of the set-up. The IFJ Institute for Young Entrepreneurs is the leading point of contact for young businesses in Switzerland. IFJ is a partner of Atlanto. It offers online services for company set-ups and changes to commercial register entries and will support you before, while and after you set up your company (additional information is available at