What is a Management Summary?

What is a management summary?

The management summary is an upstream summary of the business plan which presents the most important contents of the business plan in condensed form to the hurried reader. The management summary enables a decision-maker to read up on a topic as quickly as possible and thus make a qualified decision.

It is very important that the management summary is factual but also interesting. The aim is to arouse the reader’s interest in the business plan and the business idea. The reader decides on the basis of the management summary whether or not to analyse the business plan in depth.

The following points must be described in the management summary of Atlanto’s business plan tool.

·      Business idea/background

·      Vision/market position

·      Benefits

·      Customer benefits

·      Protectability / barriers to entry for competitors

·      Legal form

·      Achievements, status

·      Milestones and action plan

·      Applications

·      Arguments

By filling in the given points, you ensure that the most important points are included in your management summary.

Make sure you use concise and to the point wording. It is important that the management summary is formulated individually for each addressee (individual donor, investor, etc.).

How do I successfully submit applications and argue them ideally?

In order to ensure that the application clearly states what is being requested, the application and its arguments should be formulated briefly and concisely.


When recording reasonings, make sure that your reasonings are appropriately named and clearly worded. Specify the amount, the form and the term for which you would like to receive your contributions. Also use the explanatory memorandum to underline the importance of your proposals. To give you an idea of how such a proposal might look, you can use the following example as a guide:


The arguments are about convincing the addressee of your proposals with good arguments. For example, explain what distinguishes your company, what its market advantages are and what guarantees you can offer the addressee. If an argument needs more information, simply write it in the justification. You are welcome to take inspiration from the following example:

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Management summary

What information should be added to a management…