How do I connect my PostFinance e-banking to Atlanto?

PostFinance business customers can connect their e-banking directly to Atlanto. Meaning, all bank transactions can be uploaded to Atlanto using automatic bank reconciliation. As soon as the service has been set up, an exchange (or synchronisation) takes place between PostFinance and Atlanto every morning at 06:00. All credits and debits are then displayed in the “Bank transactions” folder and can be posted directly.

Step 1: Set up PostFinance

To set up the PostFinance exchange, first click on “Settings” and then on “PostFinance” in the accounting module.

Step 2: Select PostFinance bank account

Choose a PostFinance account that has already been registered here. If you have not yet registered one, you can easily do so by clicking on the field outlined in red.

Step 3: Select options

Make domestic and international payments easily and securely via Atlanto using an electronic payment order (EPO), which allows you to always keep a complete overview of your creditors.

To set up the electronic exchange, it is absolutely mandatory to set the first cross.

The second question depends on whether the selected PostFinance account is already in an FDS exchange with another payment or financial accounting software. If so, this would be automatically cancelled by clicking on “Mutation”, as file transfer is only possible with a single provider.

Step 4: Generate document, sign, and send to PostFinance

As soon as all mandatory fields have been selected, the settings can be saved, and a document generated. Do this by clicking on the blue field at the bottom. All you have to do now is sign the document and send it to PostFinance. Within a few days, your request will be checked and the exchange between PostFinance and Atlanto set up automatically.

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