E-mail marketing is based on creating and distributing digital messages. The following checklist will help you with using e-mail marketing measures.
E-mail marketing is based on creating and distributing digital messages. The following checklist will help you with using e-mail marketing measures.
Has anyone checked whether it is worth the company using e-mail measures?
Have actions to measure target attainment been defined (qualitative and quantitative)?
Has it been established when the best time is to distribute communications and how often?
Were function tests performed beforehand so as to check technical implementation?
Have the target audience, the content and the main benefits for the recipient been determined (e.g. competition, specialist knowledge)?
Have you compared the options for insourcing/outsourcing and decided on the optimum solution (software installation, ASP model or full-service provider)?
Have the necessary human and financial resources been defined?
Have the technical requirements for newsletter distribution been met (internet access, e-mail client)?
Are the objectives clearly defined (market research, customer acquisition, etc.) and are they part of the overall online strategy?
Do we have the addresses and possibly an appropriate database?