How do collective postings work?

How do collective postings work?

When you register a booking in Atlanto, decide whether you want to make an individual or a collective posting. The following examples explain what posting type to choose.

Individual posting

Imagine you are a carpenter and buy materials at a DIY store. You buy various products with a value of CHF 750. If all products have the same VAT code (written on the receipt) and the costs are to be booked to the same expense account, you can enter an individual posting in your Atlanto account.

Collective posting

Let’s take the example with the carpenter again. This time you buy wooden boards for CHF 250 and a brand-new sanding machine for CHF 600. When you get home, you want to post the purchase directly into your Atlanto account. You will immediately notice that the wooden boards are to be posted as “material purchases” and the grinding machine as “machinery and equipment”. You will also see two different VAT codes on the receipt. Since the products have different expense accounts and different VAT codes, you must make a collective entry. You can add as many additional entry lines as you need: 

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